beauty all around: stop, look, listen.










I stumbled on this Insta-photo the other day and my immediate reaction was: There should be more signs like this posted on the street, and there should be more people in the world that go around and post them. What a simple yet beautiful reminder that we are surrounded by stunning, inspiring, even magical things, and if we take the time to stop, look, listen, and appreciate, it can transform our mood and often change the course of our entire day. Maybe it’s taking a moment to breathe in your first cup of coffee in the morning and soaking in that intoxicating roasted scent; maybe it’s leaving the office for a 10 minute walk over your lunch break and enjoying a little fresh air; maybe it’s stopping whatever you’re doing to call your parents or your best friend just to say hello and that you love them; maybe it’s that unmistakable buzz you feel when you step outside on the first warm, sunny day of the season; maybe it’s the quirky regular at the café on the corner who smiles and waves when you stop to say hello; or maybe it’s blasting your favourite guilty pleasure song on the drive home and singing at the top of your lungs. Whatever or whoever it may be that brings you joy, revel in it. Let it remind you that life can be a pretty remarkable thing.


beauty all around: let’s talk quotes.

It makes me a little sad that the world of social media has made quotes such a cliché. You see them everywhere: Tumblr accounts, Pinterest feeds, Twitter profiles, Facebook statuses, iPhone cases; I could go on and on. But I am sticking to my guns—I love a good quote. I think that, just like music, just like art, words have incredible power to take us away, transform our perspectives, calm us, excite us, and inspire us. (Is it any wonder I majored in English literature and now work in publishing?)

Here is a favourite of mine from Tyler Knott Gregson, otherwise known as the Typewriter Poet. You should check out his site; he does beautiful work. Let’s all remember to bring a little light to whatever, wherever, and whomever we encounter.

